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New League of Legends season

A brand new season of League of Legends is live and with that comes an awesome cinematic and brand new features! Warriors | Season 2020...

Warcraft 3 Reforged - Our first look

Bencraft recently tested out the Warcraft 3 reforged beta and took a first look on how the game is overhauled from earlier. The game...

Darksiders genesis release date

As you probably may know from the videos we upload on our channel, we are huge fans of the Darksiders genre, and their new upcoming game...

Minecraft Pixelmon is back!

Minecraft Pixelmon is back, but it was never gone. In one of our latest videos, Bencraft plays Pixelmon on a cracked minecraft server....

Brand new footage of Minecraft Dungeons

Finally we got some more footage of Mojangs brand new title Minecraft Dungeons, and it looks really good. The best thing however was that...

New Age of Empires 4 gameplay footage

For a while ago, Xbox game studios and Relic entertainment released some new footage for their brand new Age of Empires game. Watch the...

The migration of Destiny 2

Bungies time with Activision has been a long and bumpy ride. What seemed all good in the beginning have resulted in a separation between...

Cube world finally released!

Ladies and gentlemen! It has finally happened! Cube World is officially released to the public. The game is available now at Steam for...

A whole new world

New episode showcasing the new update to The Aether 2 Mod named The Highlands is live on the channel! In the last episode Bencraft from...

Minecraft skyblock is back!

There are many Minecraft servers out there which provides a good Minecraft service with a lot of additions and minigames to their roster....

New gaming series - Classic

A brand new gaming series is now live on the Croft Gamingâ„¢ youtube channel known as "Classic", where one of us in Croft Gamingâ„¢ plays a...

Rise of Aszhara now live!

The new content update (8.2) for World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth - Rise of Aszhara is now live both in the EU and the US! World of...

First look - Wargroove (S1E1)

Croft Gamingâ„¢ presents the first episode and the first season of First looks. Bencraft plays Wargroove.

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