Bencraft recently tested out the Warcraft 3 reforged beta and took a first look on how the game is overhauled from earlier. The game looks stunning! But there are a few things which needs to be adressed.
First look - Warcraft 3: Reforged
Watch the video above for full view of my thoughts and meanings about the game.
Let us start off by saying that the game looks and feels marvelous. The game is beautiful and the developers have been really good at creating the very best out of the characters from the Warcraft genre. The game still feels the same, but the graphical overhaul is amazing and very well done! The sounds are exactly the same as before, but that is just a huge bonus in my opinion. So overall the graphical content of the beta, looks really good and i am still excited to see what they have in store for us when we can play the campaign. Even though the game looks amazing there are a few problems.
The problems i adress is mostly bugs and lag. Yes it is a beta test, but it does'nt feel like a beta, it feels more like an alpha test of the game. It is just two different terms for an early game, but the game does'nt have that "Blizzard polish" as they usually have. The game feels like its not ready for beta testing yet, even though the game is supposed to release this month! So i really hope that the lags and bugs will be fixed before the launch of the game, because i am really starting to worry that they are eaither going to push back the launch or launch an unfinished game, only time will tell.

What do you think of the Warcraft 3: Reforged beta? Did you stumble across any bugs? There are some known issues which have been taken up here, but still i feel like the game can still take a while to be ready, but lets hope for the best! Atleast thank you for reading and have a great weekend!
Article written by - Bencraft
Croft Gaming™ CEO & Founder