Croft Gaming™ is a gaming community organization owned by The Croft Group™ founded by Benjamin Bekken in 2018. It is ment to produce media content about games, but also everything gaming related. Creating games & competing in games is also on the agenda.
All companies under The Croft Group™ are required to follow their terms of service / conditions. Croft Gaming™ is no exception. We follow their policies & guidelines which you can find here. Not only do we follow their rules and policies as a overall policy, we also have our own.
This page is readable wherever you might go in the world. This should and must be read and accepted by everyone which uses Croft Gamings™ content, may it be leaders, workers, co-workers, buyers, sellers, viewers, listeners and so on. If you use, watch, listen and more to our products, websites, applications and programs you automatically accept our terms of service - policies and guidelines. This is since we make sure that everyone which uses any of our things are enlightened about the different rules and orders we follow here and that nobody breaks them. They are very simple, understandable and easy to read and accept. If you got any questions, do not hesitate about asking us any questions that you may wonder about.
§1. Policy
Edited 31.may 2019
By accessing this website, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained on the Croft Gaming™ website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.
Croft Gaming™ may revise these Terms of Use for its website at any time without notice. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms of Use.
This document and website link is the foundation of Croft Gamings™ policies and guidelines. Here you can find everything we stand for, both beyond the organization and inside. If you are working with us or want to work with us, this is the terms of service / conditions you must follow to any cost, including our parent company The Croft Groups™ terms of service & conditions. They should and must apply to every member of our organization as well as a reminder to our audience that we follow strict policies and guidelines. That is to rely on.
This Policy (§1.) is a minor policy document / website for The Croft Group™. That means it is the policy and guideline every Croft Gaming™ member must follow, including The Croft Groups™ policies and guidelines. If anyone in or around the organization breaks this policy and guideline they will be questioned and in case of violation they will be fined/fired for their cause. We believe communication is the key to a great company, and therefore will communication always be the first solution to any problem. Both the leadership, workers and co-workers will make sure of that. You can read more about the violation of terms at rule §5 at The Croft Groups™ terms of service & conditions.
§2. Rules
Edited 31. may 2019
As stated in in the Policy (§1.), Croft Gaming™ is following The Croft Groups™ terms of service / conditions. That means its rules and guidelines must be followed no matter what. On our platform (Croft Gaming™ website) we also have certain different rules than our parent company. These rules still abide to the terms of service / conditions and any member, viewer, watcher, listener, buyer or seller on our platform follow these rules.
The Rules (§2.) apply for all of our members and users. The rules are mostly the same as you find everywhere else in The Croft Group™. You are not allowed to harass, sexually assault, insult or do any form of violation to our users or content. This are to make sure our content and users are safe from people which wants to harm others. This is stated in the overall The Croft Groups™ terms of service / conditions at our communication rule §7. We repeat it here so that we can conclude that it will not be tolerated. You are also not allowed to steal information, identification, passwords, usernames, money and more from our users, workers or visitors. This is stated in the overall The Croft Groups™ terms of service / conditions at our security rule §4. We repeat it here so that we can conclude that it will not be tolerated. The rules about safety & communication is important to us, as we are a community gaming organization and solely operate on the internet through communication and media content.
§3. Account
Edited 31. may 2019
On our platform you are able to register a user. This user must follow our policies & guidelines, including The Croft Groups™ main policy for accounts. Failing to do so will accumulate in a suspension of your account. In worst cases your account will be blocked and even worse you will be banned from our site. This is to prevent you from harming our users, visitors and workers as stated in rule §2.
The Account (§3.) must follow ethical use of names and terms. Meaning that swearwords or any other form of sexual content or violent content are not allowed on your account. This is both for your account information, your media content, your blog posts, your forum posts and more that you might upload. A moderator or a employee at Croft Gaming™ are allowed to remove any content from your account which they might find offensive or breaking our terms of service / conditions or our parent companies policy. In some cases you will get a warning, in other cases your content will just be removed without warning and in other cases as stated above you will be suspended, blocked or banned. You are allowed to claim innocence if you might think that there has been a mistake or misunderstanding between you and our employee. If you might think this is the case you are allowed to contact us on email, on our website or through our social media platforms. We will always use communication as our main solution as stated in rule §1.
§4. Logo
Edited 31. may 2019
Using our logo without permission is allowed in non-commercial projects. The important thing we ask for in this case is that you refer to us in Croft Gaming™ or refer to our parent company The Croft Group™. Croft Gaming™ is a trademark of the Croft Gaming company under The Croft Group trademark. This does not mean however you are not allowed to use it in any context available. You are not allowed to use our logo in content for commercial use without our permission. This only applies for non-commercial use. People that use our logo and trademark for commercial purposes are only allowed by our employees, opinion leaders, marketers, Croft Heroes and people with special permission.
The Logo (§.4) as stated above is a trademark of Croft Gaming™. Which is not allowed to be printed on clothes, documents and any form of validation which does not come directly from us. This is also to prevent people from our service for any harm. The logo are allowed to be used under tournaments, but only by signed permission by us in Croft Gaming™. Vulpes visio electri is the name of our logo, which stands in latin and means Amber Fox, refer to this name when talking about our logo. Sending in a application to use our logos is of course allowed and if your application gets permission to use the logo you are good to go. Creating a account at our website or posting anything on our website using our logo is totally fine. You can do whatever you want with our logo and wallpapers as long as it is on this very platform.
§5. Creations
Edited 31. may 2019
Creating something of your own or publishing something that you made are totally allowed on our website. As long as it follows the policies and guidelines of The Croft Group™ and of our rule §3. for accounts. You are as stated in rule §3. not allowed to post anything that may harm others, the website, the platform or our content. Content and creations that are violent, harassing, sexually explicit, harmful or may cause bad reputation for any of our members or community is strictly forbidden. Anything you create are not reviewed before it is published on our platform and if you find anything that is violating our terms you must report it immediately.
The Creations (§5.) are ment for our community to have safe content on our websites that are related to gaming. Anything which is not directly related to gaming is is allowed, but will be reviewed, this is a website and community organization FOR gamers and BY gamers, thats why our content and creations should relate to gaming of all kinds. Games which breaks our other policies and guidelines are strictly forbidden and you can read more about it at rule §6. When you publish something on our website you have accepted our terms of service and conditions, as well as The Croft Groups™ terms of service / conditions, meaning that by publishing anything on our platform you must follow our policy. May it be leaders, co-workers, workers, listeners, watchers, readers, viewers and more. Without creations we are not a community, only a lonely company. It is only by working together that our community can live on.
§6. Games
Edited 31. may 2019
Games is the soul of this platform, website and channel. Without it our organization is nothing. Currently we have very many games on our agenda. Everything from World of Warcraft (MMORPG), The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (RPG), Destiny 2 (FPS), Age of Empires (Strategy), League of Legends (MOBA), Player Unknowns Battleground (Battle royale), Fortnite (Battle Royal), Sim City (Simulation), The Elder Scrolls: Online (MMORPG), The Sims (Simulation), Hearthstone (Card game), Minecraft (Sandbox) and a lot more! These are just to name a few, because these games listed above will come up more than other games in our community and on our channel. Including this are multiple indie games, new games, old games and triple A games.
There are also games (§6.) we are not allowed to share, publish or create here. Every game that supports or include sexual harassment, racism, real life violence or can make any form of harm to our users and employees are not allowed. This is strictly forbidden and will be punished hard on. As stated in The Croft Group™ policy rule §5. will any form of this content be removed and punished by the law in the country of publishing or by our terms of service & conditions. We take it very seriously.
Not only are we playing other peoples games here, but we also publish and create our own games here. We want other people to send in requests to us if they want us to feature their game on our platform. Croft Gaming™ is also a company that will create games and all of the games will be available at our website and platform. You are not allowed to share, reestablish, copy, hack, destroy content or harm the game in any kind. This will be taken as a violation as stated above our games also follow our policies and guidelines. None of our games will currently be commercial projects, but more information about commercially made games by us will come in the future.
§7. Access
Edited 17. june 2019
Croft Gaming™ gives you access to publish, promote and share content on our webpage and services for you the player that wants to share your creations with the community. These creations must not in any way cause harm or violate any of our terms of services or else your access to publish will be removed without any warning. As a member of our community you have access to almost everything our website and services can offer. Only Croft Heroes, Croft Legends and employees have more rights. Content and creations on our website are allowed to be withheld from access to certain members which is not a Croft Hero, Croft Legend or employee. We may remove such content if you once was a Croft Hero, Croft Legend or an employee and are not anymore. Access is decided by our employees at Croft Gaming™ and you can contact us for more information on our contact page.
The Access (§7.) policy is to make sure that people which have paid for a service (Croft Heroes), gets promoted a service (Croft legends) or works for us (employees) are bound to certain individual rights which other members don't or shall not have. A Croft Hero, Croft Legend or employees are also not allowed to share such services with other members which is not allegeable for such services unless clearly stated or allowed by a employee of a certain rank. Access to content and services are extremely important, and for the most part many members have full access unless stated so.
§8. Sharing
Edited 17. june 2019
Sharing content, posts or published products are totally allowed if it is stated so, is a official news, posted on our news section, is a podcast from us, is a video from us and is a text from us. All of this is totally allowed. If it is a clearly reference to our video or services you must refer to the description or any form of authenticity of your sharing post that the content or post comes from us in Croft Gaming™. Sharing your views on our content is allowed and you are also allowed to comment and reply to all of our services. Commenting on a service must still follow our policies for sharing and The Croft Groups™ policies and guidelines. You are still not allowed to harass, violate, sexually assault or harm anyone on our site through the comments or through sharing the services.
The Sharing (§8.) policy is to make sure that people that share or comment on our content and services do so with an ethical view on our content and treats it with respect. Well deserved criticism is totally allowed and is not removed unless it clearly harms the organization, the parent company, our employees, our Croft Legends, our Croft heroes OR any of our members.
§9. Our games
Edited 17. june 2019
Our games is protected by trademark or copyright laws unless clearly stated. That means you are not allowed to share these games on any other site than our own without referring to us in Croft Gaming™. Games which is bought at our services or to a third-party service is not allowed to be shared to any other member which does not have the game. This rule is not only for games that our members pay for but also for free games, demos, trials and other form of gameplay and games we give out to our members. You are allowed to give access to our site and recommend our games, but not to download the games at your sites, posts or services which is not licensed by Croft Gaming™.
Croft Gaming™ takes good care of (§9,) our games and if it is free to the public and accessible to all it is clearly stated. Our games is usually only available to our members and you must most often be a member, Croft Hero, Croft Legend or an employee to access the game unless clearly stated. All our games are licensed under Croft Gaming™ or a third-party service. Official content, products or services for our games will be announced at our social medias, channels and websites first.
§10. Service
Edited 17. june 2019
Already stated in The Croft Groups™ policies and guidelines, but repeated here is that the Croft Gaming™ organization website (this service) uses cookies. Which you can read more about at The Croft Group™ website. You also accept these cookies, as well as the security of your account, keeping of personal information, our age restriction, using our games, our payment policies, our disclaimer policies, our failures and limitations policies, as well as that third party services may access our website and help us in the Croft Gaming™ organization out.
By using our (§10.) service you automatically accept our policies and guidelines both for Croft Gaming™ and for The Croft Group™. We are allowed to send you emails if you opted in for it or send you notifications from your account if you are a member of our service. This is stated here in this policy. If you disagree, don't want our service or want something removed of our services please do contact us and we will try our best to review your claim. We can not automatically accept your claim but we will review it follow our policies and guidelines, and unless clearly broken we will accept your claim. Using our services is at your own risk and Croft Gaming™ does not take any responsibility for any inconvenience that might happen to you or any of your belongings. We will try our best to help you out if any inconvenience might happen to you, but we can not promise anything.
We in Croft Gaming™ recommend you read and accept The Croft Groups™ terms of service / conditions for full understanding of our policies and guidelines.