E3 2019 is over for this time and Croft Gaming™ have uploaded a lot of games which we find very interesting on our channel. You can watch a lot of them here.
E3 showed us many promising games upcoming in 2019 and years ahead, and the game which got the most attention and can be said that won E3 was Cyberpunk 2077. Showcasing the one and only Keanu Reeves as one of the main characters.
Cyberpunk 2077 - Xbox E3 2019 Briefing
The greatest moment was when one person in the crowd yelled that he was "breathtaking", then Keanu replies that "your breathtaking". Keanu have been in the spotlight of many memes in the past, but appearing for this game has not been any different. Even more memes are appearing as we speak. He even got featured in one of Pewdiepies "Meme review" series.
Looking away from Keanu Reeves however, the game Cyberpunk 2077 looks really stunning and interesting and we are really looking forward for the game!
Many other games also got our attention. We uploaded a lot of them to our channel which you can watch here.
Terraria - Journey's end E3 Reveal Trailer
Terraria got a new update, which is most likely to be its last update! Announced by the developers. Which is sad, but maybe something new will come in the future?
Darksiders Genesis - E3 Gameplay Walkthrough Demo
We got to see a brand new gameplay demo for the upcoming hack'n'slash game Darksiders Genesis, which seemed awesome.
Fallout 76 - Official E3 2019 Nuclear Winter Gameplay Trailer
Even Fallout 76 gets a battle royal mode! Which actually seems very interesting and new in the battle royal genre. But we'll see how it goes, since Fallout 76 haven’t been thee best game since launch.
Age of Empires 2: E3 2019 - Gameplay Trailer
Age of Empires 2 gets a definitive edition which renders all the graphics from AOE2 in 4K resolution. This looks absolutely stunning, but also raises the question, where is our Age of Empires 4 gameplay?
There is more gameplay and cinematic trailers at our channel which you can find here. Meanwhile we wish you a pleasant day and hope that you have fun gaming. For more upcoming games and news about new games join our newsletter down below and follow us on social medias.
Article written by Benjamin Bekken - Bencraft
Croft Gaming™ CEO & Founder