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We are Croft Gaming™. A community organization FOR players and BY players. We are crafting our own way in the gaming universe, and we want you on our team. Croft Gaming™ was founded by Benjamin Bekken in 2018 along with many other companies in The Croft Group™. Croft Gaming™ uploads today videos, movies, podcasts and articles all about gaming. From everything from reviews to TOP 10s, to first look on indie games to lets plays of triple A games. Our goal is to have fun with games, learn from each other and discover new games!


The world of gaming is large and we try to cover a lot of different aspects of the gaming universe. That being said we are focusing at the moment on a small group of games that will become larger as we grow. Thats why we want other players to join our website and make them upload articles & videos, so that we together can grow as a community. You can log in or register in the top right of the screen.


The plan is that we together also make communities within games. Already Croft Gaming™ have made a guild in World of Warcraft named "Mighty Titans" which you are all allowed to join.


You can go to the mighty titans website here. We also have a guild in Elder Scrolls Online which is named "The royal guardians" which you also are allowed to join at any time. We also have more plans to create more communities within games.


As of now we also have a discord server which you can access here. A Minecraft server is also in the works.



Not only are we focused on creating communities, but also joining and competing in tournaments. Tournaments are a lot of fun, and our plan is to join a lot of different tournaments around to world to test our skills against the greatest foes out there.


Tournaments we are currently interested in are Players unknowns battleground (PUBG), Fortnite, CounterStrike, Age of Empires and more in the future! Our plan is to join a lot of these tournaments and try to win for honor and glory for Croft Gaming™.



Tournaments is fun and all, but they will also be filmed. Movies and videos from the tournaments will be added to our channel as well as livestreams so you can see what happens live. This will happen at our user which you can check out here. Every tournament will be livestreamed so that you can join in on the action live. 


The plan for the future of the company is not only to create videos and media content about games is also to create our own games. Some indie games are currently in the works, but there is no plan for a release date just yet. Just keep looking at the website and we will keep you informed as soon as something interesting is happening.

Croft Gaming™ haven’t always been Croft Gaming™. It all started out in 2009. That was the first year Benjamin Bekken created a youtube channel known as Superbenzy123. Yes it is very weird and very funny. He uploaded mostly World of Warcraft videos and other games that he played. After a while he noticed that people wasn’t a huge fan of the name, himself included. So in 2011 he created a brand new channel named GreymanePresents.


Greymanepresents was the name of the channel named after the king of the Worgen race in world of warcraft, King Genn Greymane. You can see the first trailer here, which was not very good. The idea behind it was to create world of warcraft cinematics and machinimas, because that was what he loved to watch and see himself.


The same year the game Minecraft sky rocketed. Benjamin joined in on the Minecraft hype train and together with his brother Robin they made Minecraft videos. They became very popular. After a while the channel was solely dedicated to Minecraft videos. Since that was the only thing which was popular on the channel.


Minecraft became the number one thing for Benjamin and he started to earn money from it. The increasing amount of views and deals he got from others did that he eventually created the minecraft server "Bencraft".


Which also became the nickname of himself in every game ever since. Bencraft is the legacy of Croft Gaming™ and today our name is still based of that nickname.


Bencraft is still the nickname for Benjamin Bekken today and you can still watch some old videos on our channel which resembles the nickname.


After a while Bencraft got rather bored of Minecraft alone and wanted to expand his channel onto another games. This was not well received.

No other games that was uploaded on the channel was getting us views like Minecraft. So eventually he got bored and stopped recording. He joined the Norwegian Armed Forces and sooner or later no videos were made.


But he wanted to return, many times he tried to reestablish the channel with new and cooler methods, but to no prevail.


It was until today that he changed the name of the channel and created the new community organization Croft Gaming™.


Now the channel and website will feature every game there is on the market which our team consider is fun and we will continue to do so. Everything you have read until now is our history, and our legacy.


Are there something else you are wondering about?

Then do not hesitate to contact us on our mail, website & social medias. We answer as soon as possible.


Do you want to know more about our rules and policies you can go to our rules and policies here. We also follow the policies and guidelines for The Croft Group™ which you can find here. These are ment to be followed at any cost.


Do you want to be a member of our community? Then sign up on the top right screen and you can share thoughts, comments, likes and more together on our website.


Do you want to be a employee at Croft Gaming™? Then you can sign in a application to our email address or our hiring page here. You can find more information about our working conditions and requirements there.




You can read more about The Croft Group™ here.


We can be contacted on mail, website & social medias: -




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