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We are currently hiring for many different jobs throughout our organisation. Are you interested? Go to our career page.
The Croft Group™, is the main media organization for all of the seven fields of interest we specialize in. Our fields of interests are Croft Gaming™, Croft Media™, Croft Academy™, Croft Journey™, Croft Studios™, Croft Music™ & Croft Sports™. We in The Croft Group™ create media content for all of these areas of interest. If you would like to know more about each media area we cover with each field of interest, you can check out our FAQ below or go to each respective media field site.
The Croft Group™ was founded by Benjamin Bekken in 2018 and was ment to be a marketing and media organization that made media content. After a while Benjamin Bekken figured out that the organization can do a lot more and expanded in to seven different fields of interest all working with media.
Now The Croft Group™ covers almost every aspect of the media content that is possible to create and hope that we will expand even more in the future.
Do you want to know more about us we have a Frequently Asked Questions page where most of you're questions can be answered.

Do you have a question about anything?
Contact us here and we will try to get back to you!
Reply time may vary, but we
answer as fast as possible.
Can also contact us on social media & our email.